CHE 142
Spring 2002
Professor Joseph Lauher


The First Polytriene Polymer

Synthesized by Tram Hoang

M.S. Stony Brook 2002

The average on the Final Exam was 140 out of 200.

The final exam grades are shown below.

To see your course grade you need to log into the Solar System.

Final Exam Results

Lecture PowerPoint Presentations

To print the PowerPoint presentations, download the Powerpoint prensentation into your computer using Internet Explorer or Netscape. If you are using Netscape you must have Powerpoint on your computer. Go to the print menu. Where is says "Print what:" select "Handouts (6 slides per page)." Also select Black and White. Then check the "ok button" to print.

Huckel Java Applet from University of Calgary